Parent Resources

Administration Contact Information

Superintendent: Kristi Mickelson
Email Kristi Mickelson

Deputy Superintendent: Deanna Burt
Email Deanna Burt

Director of Counseling/Title IX: Sarah McDowell
Email Sarah McDowell

Secondary Principal: Kimberly Cobb
Email Kimberly Cobb
Phone: 325-732-4314

Elementary Principal: Skylar Dement
Email Skylar Dement
Phone: 325-550-3761

Elementary Counselor: Michele Fowler
Email Michele Fowler

Secondary Counselor: Fisher  Pyburn
Email Fisher Pyburn

Secretary/Receptionist: Leticia Taylor
Email Leticia Taylor

Principal Secretary/Registrar/Attendance: Linda Plumley
Email Linda Plumley

Technology/Cybersecurity Director: Russell Hoelscher
Email Russell Hoelscher
Phone: 325-732-4314 x2090


Parents must ensure they do not send a child to school on campus if the child has COVID-19 symptoms or is test-confirmed with COVID-19, until the conditions for re-entry are met.


Students, who are ill for any reason, are not permitted on campus until they are fever free for 24 hours w/o fever reducing medication.


During the exclusion period, PRISD does provide remote instruction. To help mitigate the risk of asymptomatic individuals being on campuses, PRISD does provide COVID-19 testing using rapid tests provided by the state.  PRISD will also provide a mask when needed.  


PRISD would greatly appreciate your taking a few moments to view our return to in-person instruction plan and complete this very short survey.  We thank you in advance for your support and look forward to reviewing your input. 



Dear Parents and Guardians,

Paint Rock ISD will be following the protocol below in regards to COVID-19 on our campus.

If a student or staff member tests positive for Covid they  may return when the re-entry conditions have been met, as described in the Department of State Health Services rule used for students and staff. Students will be allowed to transition to virtual learning due to testing positive or exposure. However, the state will only allow 20 days of virtual per student per year. After the 20 days it will be a regular absence.

If a staff member is an individual who has had close contact (within 6 feet for a total of 15 minutes or more) with a covid positive person they are required by the state to test every other day for 10 days to remain on campus. This will be implemented effective September 1st due to the need to obtain rapid test on campus and get the qualified personnel in place to administer.

Per the Governor we are currently not permitted to mandate masks for students or staff. However, it is encouraged , for all that wish to wear one, to do so.  It is important that all feel safe and comfortable while on campus. Teachers and staff will be disinfecting daily throughout the day and as needed.

Busses will be disinfected after the morning and afternoon routes.

Playground and gyms will be disinfected daily.

We assure you we are working diligently to try and stay in front of the cases and exposures. Unfortunately, we also expect that as we go through the year there will be more cases on our campus.

Please contact us with any questions or concerns you may have.

Kristi Mickelson, Superintendent

JoEllen Gonzales, Principal

Dana Stokes, Assistant Principal